Effective email campaigns to retarget and retain customers

Email marketing can be an effective tool for businesses looking to engage with their audience and build strong relationships with customers. It allows for the dissemination of targeted, personalized content that can cater to the specific needs and interests of different customer segments.

✔️ Effective flows

✔️ Customized email designs

✔️ Budget friendly marketing

Certificeret Klaviyo Partner

Som certificeret Klaviyo-partner har jeg stor erfaring med at skabe effektive e-mail kampagner og flows, der når ud til målgrupper og skaber resultater. 

Fra at lave engagerende e-mail indhold til at optimere kampagner for maksimal effekt, har jeg ekspertisen til at hjælpe virksomheder i alle størrelser med at opnå succes med denne platform

Six reasons to use Email Marketing


Tailor email content to individual preferences and behaviors, increasing relevance and engagement. Personalization leads to higher open and conversion rates, fostering a deeper connection with the audience.


Segment your audience for targeted messaging, ensuring content resonates with specific groups. This strategic approach enhances engagement and targets the right message to the right people.


Utilize automated email sequences triggered by specific actions to maintain a both timely and relevant communication with customers, saving a ton of time while consistently engaging with your target audience.

Cost - Effective

Email marketing offers high ROI at low operational costs, making it an affordable and effective tool for businesses of all sizes to both reach and retain their customers.


Regular, targeted emails help retain customers by keeping your brand top of mind and nurturing ongoing relationships, turning one-time buyers into loyal customers.


Monitor key metrics like open and click-through rates to measure campaign effectiveness, make data-driven decisions, and refine strategies for improved results.

We usually see these results

Conversion rate:
9 - 12%

Open rate:
22 - 30%

Click rate:

Pakkeløsninger til markedsføring

Lille pakke

Pris inkludere også min løn
kr 5999 Per måned
  • Facebook og Instagram annoncering
  • Daglig rapportering
  • Opsætning af tracking

Medium pakke

Pris inkludere også min løn
kr 8399 Per måned
  • Facebook og Instagram annoncering
  • Google ads or email marketing
  • Daglig rapportering
  • Opsætning af tracking


Pris inkludere også min løn
kr 11.199 Per måned
  • Facebook og Instagram annoncering
  • Google ads
  • E-mail marketing
  • Daglig rapportering
  • Opsætning af tracking

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